Nigerian Journal of Accounting & Finance (NIJAF) (ISSN: 2992-3980), a publication of the Department of Accounting, Faculty of Management Science (FMS), Modibbo Adama University (MAU) Yola is published bi-annually (June and December) in the print version that is accessible online in full text and free to download. NIJAF is a peer-review journal that aspires to address significant issues in the area of accounting and finance and to promote interdisciplinarily.
This journal publishes original and leading research (conceptual, theoretical, and empirical) across all the following major fields:
1. Accounting and Finance, ranging from:
a. Financial Accounting
b. Management Accounting
c. Taxation
d. Corporate Governance
e. Risk Management
f. Insurance and Risk Management
g. Public Sector Accounting
e. Institutional & Corporate Finance
2. Economics
3. Management
4. Banking and Finance; and
5. Other social science, humanities, and ICT.
Note: This journal accepts article submissions at least 40 days before the month of subsequent publication by email (nijafmautech@gmail.com).
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We are pleased to inform you that NIJAF Volume 16, Issue 1, 2024 is out. You can view and download the articles in content by navigating to our publications page or directly visiting:
Submissions are still open for Volume 16, Issue 1 JUNE 2024
Our Journal Front Cover